
Kefir Grains

Kefir Grains

Kefir Grains – Kefir is popularly believed to have originated “five hundred years ago”, however the history of kefir is much more interesting. The word kefir, when pronounced correctly is pronounced as set-ful and not keffir. The traditional meaning of kefir is “being pregnant”. Many women took birth control to alter their fertility levels and now they are using kefir as part of their fertility diet. Others believe that kefir grains are streaked through the air and fall into the container of milk. Rubber manufacturers in the former Yugoslavia started producing and selling kefir grains.

In the middle of the 19th century, kefir grains still were produced by the oldeners and continuously gave them problems. The microorganisms in the grains could not be visualized by the naked eye and had to be minced and strained to be analyzed. The minced and strained kefir was used in food for the sick and elderly. People believed that if you drank kefir for a while, the magic would happen.And just as the patients reported a feeling of relief when they drank kefir, their diseases would also just start disappearing. There was a scientific study done around this time and the scientists concluded that the kefir grains contained “gentile antimicrobial activity against gram-positive, propiotic, and baciticide antibacterial properties.”

A modern study published in the February 2006 edition of the Journal of Community Health would find the benefits of kefir even greater than those reported by the scientists from the 1995 study. Researchers from Harvard University, the University of Florida and the University of Memphis studied the dietary patterns of people in 24 communities in US. They found that people who ate kefir, either daily or several times per week, had lower rates of adult colorectal disease, adult asthma, adult coronary artery disease, and childhood asthma.

Kefir grains are able to decrease the number of bad bacteria in your stomach. Hence, it helps to restore the good bacteria balance in your stomach. As the small particles of bacteria are alive, they ingest any toxins in your stomach andomach.PD-1 is a antioxidant responsible for decreasing the number of toxins in your stomach. He functions on behalf of all the cells in your stomach. Kefir-Grains


Kefir grains not only lack the bad bacteria, but they also lack the yeast. Yeast is needed to make the dough of kefir grains digestible.

As the kefir grains ferment, they release the sugars into the dough which is used to make the kefir cheese. The dough is passed through the tiny holes in the roller, which juices the inside of the dough. The juice is collected in a separate container. The kefir grains absorb the nutrients inside the dough.

The kefir cheese is usually about 2 – 3 days (it makes the dough bubble at room temperature). The longer that the dough is kept, the tangier it is. The flavors will be different, as it will depend on the type of grains used.